Monday, July 13, 2009

A good point from a friend, a working artist...

What is art? Who knows!

A piece of art can invoke an emotional sensation. A kid can learn to channel their emotions into a drawing, painting, sculpture, theatre, piece of music etc. A kid can learn to recognize that he felt an emotional response was stirred while seeing or hearing art.

In education, I guess the first step would be to help the kid learn to recognize their emotions and then you can prove to him that a similar feeling of outrage, desperateness, loneliness, joy, love, desire was felt by another human being in the past-- the proof being the artwork that commemorates that emotion.

Then you can give him the skills and tools to build a commemoration of his own emotions. I think the first step is to prove that something other than words exist to communicate and learning to recognize art when he is confronted by it.

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